New Halocycles project aims to develop a halogen recovery technique contributing to the stabilization of the power grid and the defossilization of the future industrial society.
Increasing the recovery of valuable fossil raw materials, avoiding climate-damaging carbon dioxide emission, and stabilizing our energy supply network – these are the three major objectives of a new joint research project of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and TU Kaiserslautern. With their pioneering concept, the two partners convinced the Carl Zeiss Foundation (CZS) to fund their project in its CZS Breakthroughs program with around EUR 4 million over the next six years. In the new Halocycles project, the researchers aim to develop an electrochemical technique to recover halogens – such as bromine, chlorine, and fluorine – from waste products. The carbon structure present in halogen compounds will be preserved in the process, thus preventing the corresponding emissions, while the flexibility of the technique will help contribute to the stabilizing of power grids.
Further information can be found here: