Carla Stork

Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Department of Chemistry
Duesbergweg 10–14
Room 1.131
55128 Mainz
Phone: +49 6131/39-24381
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2016–2020 Bachelor Studies in Biomedical Chemistry at Mainz University
2020 Bachelor Thesis in the Roos Group (University Medical Center Mainz, Toxicology)
2020–2022 Master Studies in Biomedical Chemistry at Mainz University
2021–2022 Research Internship in the Group of Prof. R. Kluger at University of Toronto (Toronto, ON, Canada)
2022 Master Thesis at Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH
Since 2022 PhD studies in the Waldvogel Group at Mainz University
Research interests: electroorganic synthesis, pharmaceutical chemistry
Publications: D. Hanisch, A. Krumm, T. Diehl, C. M. Stork, M. Dejung, F. Butter, E. Kim, G. Fritz, T. G. Hofmann, W. P. Roos, Class I HDAC overexpression promotes temozolomide resistance in glioma cells by regulating RAD18 expression, Cell Death Dis 2022, 13, 293.
C. Stork, R. Weck, M. Valero, H. Kramp, S. Güssregen, S. R. Waldvogel, A. Sib, V. Derdau, Hydrogen Isotope Exchange by Homogeneous Iridium Catalysis in Aqueous Buffers with Deuterium or Tritium gas, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202301512