Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Department of Chemistry Duesbergweg 10–14 Building 2.222 Room 2.118 55128 Mainz Phone: +49 6131/39-26067 E-mail: |
Born: | 1976 |
1996–2001 | Studies in Chemistry at Münster University with a fellowship of the “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes” |
1999–2000 | Research internship at the University of California, Berkeley in the group of Prof. Dr. K. N. Raymond |
2001 | Diploma thesis in the group of Prof. Dr. D. Hoppe: Enantiofacial recognition of heteroaromatic compounds with triphenylene receptors, WWU Münster |
2001–2005 | PhD studies in the Waldvogel group with focus on CD spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy of supramolecular systems, molecular modeling and synthesis of NMR probes, WWU Münster |
2005–2010 | Scientist in the Waldvogel group, RFWU Bonn Responsibilities: Project administration, Staff, IT, supramolecular research |
2010–2018 | Permanent Scientist in the Waldvogel group, JGU Mainz Responsibilities: Administration, Teaching (Legal issues for chemists), administrative support for the Head of Institute |
Since 2019 | Project coordinator "Department of Chemistry @ JGU Mainz", directly reporting to the dean of FB 09 |