Nils Schwarz

Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Department of Chemistry
Duesbergweg 10–14
Room 1.131
55128 Mainz
Phone: +49 6131/39-24381
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2018–2021 Bachelor Studies in Chemistry at Mainz University
2021 Bachelor Thesis in the Waldvogel group at Mainz University
Since 2021 Master Studies in Chemistry at Mainz University
2022–2023 Research internship in the group of Asst.-Prof. Helena Lundberg at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)
Since 2023 Master Thesis in the Waldvogel group at Mainz University
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Research interests: electroorganic synthesis, cathodic bond cleavage
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J. Kuzmin, J. L. Röckl, N. Schwarz, J. Djossou, G. Ahumada, M. Ahlquist, H. Lundberg, Electroreductive Desulfurative Transformations with Thioethers as Alkyl Radical Precursors, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202304272.
[DOI: 10.1002/anie.202304272]