Dr. Roland J.-R. Bednarz



Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Department of Chemistry
Duesbergweg 10–14
Room 2125-0.321
55128 Mainz
Phone: +49 6131/39-27604
E-mail: rbednarz@uni-mainz.de 
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2013–2016 Bachelor Studies in Chemistry at Freiburg University
2014–2019 Journalistic study as a scholar in the journalistic academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
2014 Industrial internship at Boehringer Ingelheim
2016 Bachelor Thesis in the Krossing group at Freiburg University on Direct fluorinations in a microreactor
2016 Internship in the Press office of the Max Planck Society
2017 Internship at Westdeutscher Rundfunk (Quarks)
2017 Internship at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
2017–2019 Master Studies in Chemical Engineering at Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
2018-2019 Master Thesis in the Houtepen group at Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) on Towards stable and permanent electrochemical n-type doping of quantum dots using photopolymerisation
2019 Industrial internship at SCHOTT Mainz
2020-2024 PhD studies in the Waldvogel group
Since 2022 Coordinator of the Scientists for Future group Mainz/Wiesbaden
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Research interests: electroorganic synthesis, renewable resources
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R. J.-R. Bednarz, P. Jiménez-Meneses, A. S. Gold, D. Monllor-Satoca, A. Stenglein, R. Gómez, S. R. Waldvogel, Sustainably scaled electrochemical synthesis of 3-propyladipicacid in line with fluctuating grid supply, ChemCatChem 2023, e202300606. [DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202300606]

R. J.-R. Bednarz, A. S. Gold, J. Hammes, D. F. Rohrmann, S. Natalello, M. Mann, F. Weinelt, C. Brauer, S. R. Waldvogel, Scaled oxidative flow electrosynthesis of 3-alkyladipic acids from 4-alkylcyclohexanols, Org. Process Res. Dev. 2024, 28, 5, 1529–1538. [DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.3c00146]

D. Vollmer, R. J.-R. Bednarz, S. Seiffert, B. Bednarz, The benefits of Nobel Prizes, Nature Physics 2022, 18, 1383–1384.
[DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01830-6] D. Vollmer, R. J.-R. Bednarz, S. Seiffert, B. Bednarz, Nobelpreise vor dem Hintergrund der Klimakrise, Diskussionsbeiträge der Scientists for Future 2022.
[DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7419796]

C. M. Kisukuri, R. J.-R. Bednarz, C. Kampf, S. Arndt, S. R. Waldvogel, Robust and self-cleaning electrochemical production of periodate, ChemSusChem 202215, e202200874.
[DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202200874]

H. Eren, R. J.-R. Bednarz, M. Alimoradi Jazi, L. Donk, S. Gudjonsdottir, P. Bohländer, R. Eelkema & A. J. Houtepen, Permanent Electrochemical Doping of Quantum Dot Films through Photopolymerization of Electrolyte Ions, Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 9, 4019–4028.
[DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c00199]

R. J.-R. Bednarz, C. Brauer, S. R. Waldvogel, Raus aus den Kinderschuhen – Modulare Flusszelle bietet enormes Skalierungspotenzial für Elektrosynthese, GIT Labor-Fachz., 2021. Online only: Link
R. J.-R. Bednarz, C. Brauer, S. R. Waldvogel, Out of its infancy – Modular flow cell offers enormous scaling potential for electrosynthesis, GIT Laboratory Journal, 2021. Online only: Link

2023 1st prize at the EnergyCampus by the "Stiftung Energie & Klimaschutz" funded by the EnBW. Link